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"Americans are not being told by the news media about the biggest story of their lifetimes...a geomagnetic superstorm, something like a space hurricane...could collapse electric grids and all the critical infrastructures that support modern civilization, and the lives of billions worldwide.
There is another part of this biggest story never told by the major media.  The untold story is that a nuclear Iran--or nuclear terrorists, or North Korea, or China, Russia or any state or non-state actor armed with a single nuclear missile--could make an EMP attack on the United States that would collapse the life-sustaining critical infrastructures, and threaten the existence of American civilization.
These books are the story of a handful of political leaders, scientists, strategists, and grassroots activists who have struggled against gargantuan bureaucracies in government and industry to protect the nation from an EMP catastrophe.  They tell where we are winning--and why we may lose.  The books provide a blueprint for victory in the political struggle over EMP preparedness.
You need to read these books as they are fundamentally about saving your life.  Just by knowing, you become part of the solution."
Dr. William R. Graham was President Reagan's Science Advisor, Administrator of NASA, and Chairman of the Congressional EMP Commission.
The books, by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, are available from and

Apocalypse Unknown: The Struggle To Protect America From An Electromagnetic Pulse
Electric Armageddon: Civil-Military Preparedness For An Electromagnetic Pulse Catastrophe

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